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January 17, 2024

ISSUE: Urge Legislators to Expand Child Tax Credits

In 2021, Democratic lawmakers passed a pandemic-era expansion of the Child Tax Credit, which resulted in a drop in childhood poverty to the lowest rate on record, at 11.9 percent. The expansion expired at the end of that year, and anti-poverty advocates have been calling for a fix since then. This past Tuesday, Congress’s two lead lawmakers on tax issues—Senate Finance chair Ron Wyden and House Ways and Means chair Jason Smith (R-MO)—announced they had come to a deal. Their proposal would boost the Child Tax Credit in exchange for more favorable treatment of research and development expenses for businesses.


ACTION: Call the House switchboard, (202) 224-3121, ask to be connected to your representative, and use this message:


As a person of faith/Sister of Charity/Seton Associate I am concerned about childhood poverty in the U.S. I therefore urge you to support the Smith-Wyden Bipartisan Child Tax Credit. Analysts estimate that the proposal would lift 400,000 children out of poverty. Passing this expanded Child Tax Credit is the moral thing to do.



Jesus, lover of humanity, you were born as one of us, shivering from cold and crying for milk. You said that you came that all might have life, life in abundance. Look with compassion on children who suffer poverty. Send your Spirit of justice to move us to raise our voices that all children my enjoy abundant life. We pray in your name, Jesus, brother and friend. Amen.

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