The mission of the Office of Peace, Justice and Ecological Integrity is rooted in the conviction of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth, “that a life of charity requires a faith that does justice,” (Toward Boundless Charity, C20). The Office provides resources and education to the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth, Seton Associates, and others who share our passion in their work of advocacy around issues of peace, justice and ecological integrity.
The current priority issues of the Office of Peace, Justice and Ecological Integrity, inspired by Catholic Social Teaching and informed by our tradition of Vincentian-Setonian spirituality, are poverty, women, migrants and refugees, human trafficking, peace and nonviolence, racism, and ecological integrity.
The Office of Peace, Justice and Ecological Integrity has a Director, an Advisory Committee of Sisters and Seton Associates, and committees devoted to specific issues.
Sister Jacquelyn Balasia, SC
Susan Butler
Sister Elena Colicelli, SC
John DiMucci
Sister Roberta Feil, SC
Sister Ellen Farrell, SC (Council Liaison)
Sister Elizabeth Kremp, SC
Sister Patricia Mennor, SC
Sister Marie Russo, SC
Mary Gannon (Seton Associate)
Mary Ann Motiuk (Seton Associate)
Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth Peace, Justice & Ecological Integrity - Priority Issues
(Click on Icons below for more information)
As members of the Vincentian family, we view issues from the perspective of people made poor an work for systematic change of structures that impoverish and marginalize.
The Commitment of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth to People Experiencing Homelessness
Click on each Icon for further information
The Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth, convened in their 2019 General Assembly, prayerfully reflected on the persistent and widespread nature of homelessness experienced by persons locally, across our nation and around the globe. We were challenged to take actions which highlight this crisis, to commit ourselves to being informed and educated about the causes, to collaborate in advocacy efforts with other groups and organizations and to address this issue with public officials at all levels of government.