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Seton Associates

Who We Are & Who We Serve

Seton Associates are lay affiliates of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth. They partner with the sisters in moving the mission of charity forward.


We are an energetic force of goodness and charity extending from our hearts into the places where we serve.

We serve in parishes, soup kitchens, nursing homes, hospices, hospitals and prisons.  


We teach CCD and RCIA and lead Bible study in parishes.​


We support disadvantaged children in Uganda, Haiti and El Salvador.


We are members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, Voice of the Faithful, interfaith groups, Habitat for Humanity, and Meals on Wheels to name but a few.


We provide help to immigrants, homeless, unemployed, children with special needs, people with disabilities, disenfranchised women, Native Americans and the military.


We donate money, food, clothing and other goods. We make quilts for sick children.  AND SO MUCH MORE!


Seton Associates also work with Toward Boundless Charity.

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Toward Boundless Charity

Toward Boundless Charity is a program for high school students who seek to deepen their spirituality and engage in service to others.  Their mission is to respond to others with charity. They gather together, in prayer, to decide the ministry projects in which they want to become involved as Toward Boundless Charity students.


A Seton Associate facilitator is present at each participating school to guide the members in prayer and ministry projects as they meet monthly.


Students fill out an application form on which they write a short paragraph describing why they wish to participate in Toward Boundless Charity.  At their monthly meetings, students are encouraged to prepare their own prayer services and decide on their ministry projects.  At present we have four actively engaged high schools in Toward Boundless Charity. 


Sister Maryanne Tracey, SC

Co-Director, Office of Vocation

and Mission Engagement

Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth 

P.O. Box 476 Convent Station, NJ


973-290-5382 Fax: 973-290-5337


Shannon Hoffman

Co-Director, Office of Vocation

and Mission Engagement

Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth 

P.O. Box 476 Convent Station, NJ


973-290-5336 Fax: 973-290-5337


Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth NE

Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth | P.O. BOX 476 | Convent Station, NJ  07961-0476

 973-290-5000  |

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