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The Ordinary (diocesan) Processes of the Cause were completed in the 1970’s under the direction of Most Reverend Thomas McLaughlin assisted by Father Stephen Findlay, O.S.B., Vice Postulator of the Cause, and Sister Mary Zita Geis, SC, Director of the Sister Miriam Teresa League of Prayer. These testimonies were sent to Rome and translated into Italian.


The testimonies of the Apostolic Process were held from May 18, 1981 to December 18, 1981. A Summary of the testimonies was prepared under the direction of Father Ambrose Eszer, O.P., Relator General of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, and sent to Rome with other related documents through the 1990’s. In 1999, the final portion of the Positio Super Virtutibus: the Biography of Sister Miriam Teresa and her Virtues, prepared by Sister Francis Maria Cassidy, SC and Sister Eileen Dolan, SC, was brought to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints in Rome and delivered to Father Eszer, O.P. Dr. Silvia Correale, Postulator of the Cause, expanded the summary of the life and virtues.



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Founded in the summer of 1946, the League works to honor the Blessed Trinity through the Immaculate Heart of Mary by spreading the knowledge of Sister Miriam Teresa’s life and mission, and by working for her Cause of beatification and canonization. Each member receives a copy of the League Bulletin, which is published four times a year, at a cost of $15 per year.


The Headquarters for the League are located in the Administration Building of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth in Convent Station, NJ.


Are you interested in becoming a member of the League of Prayer. Please fill out the League Application below.

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Sister Maureen Corcoran,SC


Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth 

P.O. Box 476 Convent Station, NJ




Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth NE

Hermanas de la Caridad de Santa Isabel | PO BOX 476 | Convent Station, Nueva Jersey 07961-0476

973-290-5000 |

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