Después de una gira por América Central a principios de la década de 1980, la hermana Peggy O'Neill, SC, comenzó a servir en la Diócesis de San Salvador en 1986 asistiendo a los refugiados y acompañándolos durante la Guerra Civil que se estaba librando en El Salvador en ese momento. En 2006, la Hermana Peggy fundó El Centro Arte para la Paz, un centro educativo y cultural que promueve la paz a través de la danza, el arte y la reflexión teológica, en Suchitoto, El Salvador, en los terrenos del histórico Convento y Escuela Santa Imelda.
A través de programas que fortalecen la identidad cultural y la unidad dentro de la comunidad, enseñan habilidades para apoyar la autosuficiencia y el pensamiento crítico, promueven la conciencia ambiental, enseñan la igualdad de género, exploran la espiritualidad nutritiva y construyen puentes entre culturas, el Centro ha servido a decenas de miles de personas. desde su apertura.
Para obtener más información y donar, visite el sitio web de El Centro Arte para la Paz
The idea that once started as a dream, has now become a reality. We can finally announce, with such gratitude, that the restoration of the chapel has been finalized. This space will now be dedicated to artistic performances and historic memory as well as celebrating the sacredness of the gift of being human.
We are so grateful for you and your support. Without you, none of this would have been possible. Thus, we look back on the shared journey that we have walked through together.
From Suchitoto with love,
Sister Peggy O'Neill, SC
La Iniciativa Misión Haitiana, dirigida por la Asamblea General de 2003, se basa en una historia de treinta años de vínculos profundos y amplios entre nuestras hermanas y el pueblo haitiano. Esta Iniciativa cristalizó para nosotros en 2001 cuando la Hermana Dianne Moore se unió a una parroquia hermanada de la Diócesis de Richmond, Virginia, que viajaba a Haití. En 2005, las hermanas Carol Ann Lockwood, Sharon Sage y Mary Dolores Spano partieron para
Gros Morne, Haití, para una misión colaborativa con miembros de las Religiosas de Jesús y María del monte. Rainer, Maryland.
Una vez más, en 2011, las Hermanas de la Caridad de Santa Isabel regresaron a Haití. Inicialmente, la hermana Dianne Moore y la hermana Janet Lehmann vivían con tres hermanas Maryknoll en LaTremblay. Varios años después, las Hermanas Maryknoll cerraron su ministerio en Haití. La hermana Janet se mudó a Jacmel y Dawn Colapietro, asociada de Seton, se unió a la hermana Dianne en 2014.
Nuestro trabajo actual en Haití se centra en el compromiso de construir comunidades sólidas prestando especial atención a las mujeres y los niños que están en mayor riesgo. Actualmente hay ocho programas activos diferentes: Clínica Médica, Programa de Purificación de Agua, Proyecto Cabra, Programa Agrícola, Micropréstamos, Escuela Primaria, Escuela de Oficios y Ayuda en Desastres.
Stop Illegal Arms to Haiti Rally
On September 25th, Sisters and Associates from the Sisters of Charity, School Sisters of Notre Dame, and Dominican Sisters of Sparkill and Hope, left for Washington, D.C. from the Motherhouse. They joined over 100 other individuals in lobbying on Capitol Hill in support of legislation that addresses the guns flowing from the U.S. into Haiti that are arming gangs who are committing acts of unimaginable violence, torture, and carnage. Together, they visited the offices of 25 different Senators whose staff listened to stories of the pain and suffering of our Haitian brothers and sisters that each serves through the different ministries around the country. These legislators asked everyone to keep up their advocacy work and were told that people in Washington were listening and paying attention to the lobbying efforts of our coalition.
Sr. Dianne Moore, SC, and Dawn Colapietro, Seton Associate, would like to give a special thanks to all the Sisters and Associates for their support "at home" in the campaign to stop the illegal flow of guns into Haiti. Collectively, they joined Sisters, Associates, and staff from 45 other religious communities and peace & justice organizations around the country who, collectively, sent over 5,000 letters to Congress and made over 1,000 phone calls to their legislators. These efforts ARE making a difference!!
100 trained water women are purifying over 30,000 gallons of water a month for their families and neighbors. The goal is to work with other NGOs in helping to wipe out Cholera.
Cost to equip each water women with a filter and water bucket: $100
Originally taught in makeshift huts built from used lumber and tin, the children of Cuvier are now learning in a brand new school built by Food for the Poor. Thanks to monies raised from local Catholic Schools, private donors, and the Dominican Sisters of Hope, we are now educating 250 of some of Haiti's poorest children. For more information about the school, see Circle of Friends poster below.
Tuition: $100 a year per child
We are the only school in the area with an Agronomy Program. Our Agriculturist teaches the children about agronomy in the classroom and also gives them the responsibility of planting and harvesting our garden. The vegetables from the garden are also used to supplement the nutritional base of the school lunch program.
Cost to seed and fertilize per year: $300
We have the only free medical clinic in the area for children and adults living in Cuvier. We also have a Wellness Program where each child in the school is given an annual medical screening. A community health worker provides classes on such topics as nutrition, hygiene, and dental care. Cost - physicians $100 a month; prescriptions $100 a month
We have given out 25 microloans to women to start their own business. We provide training and mentoring which results in an unusually high loan repayment rate. Average loan is $500.
We have also developed a 4 day “Principles of Entrepreneurship” seminar and award $500 to the participant who submits the best business plan.
We have built 10 homes and will soon be building another 3 for families made homeless by hurricanes and floods. We also installed 2 new wells and repaired 4 other wells in local villages without water. We also rebuilt 10 cooking areas and latrines washed away by storms.
Cost: Latrines $75, Cooking areas $75, Wells $5500, Houses $3700.
We have 70 families in our “Pay It Forward Program” where we give a family two goats and they give us the goats first offspring to give to another needy family. Goats are a source of food and income for families in Haiti.
Cost for new goat: $75
Thus far, our school has graduated 64 students and has another 35 students enrolled. This trade school is a path to economic independence since many of the graduates become tailors and seamstresses.
Cost to train each student: $75
Me llamo Sarah. Soy la linda que te saluda a la izquierda. En Haití, solo cuesta $ 100 enviar a uno de nosotros a la escuela durante todo el año. ¡Ese dinero paga los maestros, los libros, los útiles escolares y el almuerzo todos los días! Todo lo que se necesita es que cinco amigos se reúnan y contribuyan con $ 20 cada uno. Queremos que la mayor cantidad de Círculos de Amigos y otras personas también nos ayuden a mí y a mis amigos a ir a la escuela.
¿Puedes ayudarnos?
Sarah y mi círculo de amigos