The purpose of the office of Vocation and Mission Engagement is to share the energy of the Charism of Charity -
to make God's love known in the world. In this way we will move the Mission forward.
Through the efforts of this Office we will engage in the works of Charity by energizing adults and young people to be part of the Mission and Ministry of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth. This Office will incorporate vocation promotion, discernment and formation in the Vincentian/Setonian Tradition. Opportunities will be offered to those who look to the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth for inclusion as vowed members, Seton Associates, partners or volunteers
We are an energetic force of goodness and charity extending from our hearts into the places where we serve.
Seton Associates are lay affiliates of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth. They partner with the sisters in moving the mission of charity forward. Charity is alive as they serve in parishes, hospitals, soup kitchens, nursing homes, prayer groups…..wherever a Gospel response is needed.
Toward Boundless Charity is a program for high school students who seek to deepen their spirituality and engage in service to others. Their mission is to respond to others with charity. They gather together, in prayer, to decide the ministry projects in which they want to become involved as Toward Boundless Charity students.

Who we serve
In parishes, soup kitchens, nursing homes, hospices, hospitals and prisons. We teach CCD and RCIA and lead Bible study in parishes.
We support disadvantaged children in Uganda, Haiti and El Salvador.
We are members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, Voice of the Faithful, interfaith groups, Habitat for Humanity, and Meals on Wheels to name but a few.
We provide help to immigrants, homeless, unemployed, children with special needs, people with disabilities, disenfranchised women, Native Americans and the military.
We donate money, food, clothing and other goods. We make quilts for sick children. AND SO MUCH MORE!
The 1987 General Assembly of the Congregation endorsed a program of affiliates and the first commitment liturgy welcomed 16 women and two men on March 25, 1990. Today, 30 years later, there are over 300 Seton Associates.
The North American Conference of Associates and Religious (NACAR) reports that there are over 60,000 associates of religious congregations and orders in North America. That’s an impressive number of people living the call or charism of their congregations in service to others. It is all the more inspiring that the number of Associates is growing at a time when the number of vowed sisters is declining.
A charism is a gift of the Holy Spirit. The Sisters and the Seton Associates embrace and live a charism of charity rooted in the 17th century ministry of Saint Vincent DePaul and Saint Louise de Marillac, who founded the Daughters of Charity, many of whom were lay women who cared for the poor. We follow in their footsteps and, in particular, those of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Mother Mary Xavier Mehegan and all of the Sisters of Charity who taught us, healed us and inspired us.

Is God changing the direction you thought your life would go?
Are you finding yourself more and more concerned about what is happening in the world around you?
Are you pondering what you are called to do in the face of war, injustice, oppression, poverty, and violence?
Are you feeling called to what lies beyond the present boundaries of your life?
Are you being invited to break open the boundaries of your love?
Consider yourself interrupted...

Sister Maryanne Tracey, SC
Co-Director, Office of Vocation
and Mission Engagement
Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth
P.O. Box 476 Convent Station, NJ
973-290-5382 Fax: 973-290-5337

Shannon Hoffman
Co-Director, Office of Vocation
and Mission Engagement
Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth
P.O. Box 476 Convent Station, NJ
973-290-5336 Fax: 973-290-5337